ALP mission
Select ALP by voting and create DAO
Last updated
Select ALP by voting and create DAO
Last updated
As you know, there was an ALP who traveled to Earth and awakened 13 humans. With the formation of DAO, all holders can choose ALP to determine which of the presidents had traveled to Earth!
Only one ALP knows who the 13 people who woke up and with what identity are they!
The ALP Project has a historic vote to elect the ALP! This voting event will be conducted in a standard way between the holders of ALP NFTs.
All 290 NFTs participate in voting as an option. One of the NFTs that gets the most points is selected as ALP!
If two or three NFTs have won votes with a common score, in the next step, a second vote will be held between the top NFTs, and once again all the holders of ALP NFTs can participate to determine the exact ALP.
After the ALP is selected, the development team will donate 20% of their token share to the top NFT. Also, in the continuation of this NFT will receive more rewards from the continuation of the story!
Form your team, build your socials, ALP is not just an investment! You can be one of the project leaders. The ALP project has awarded more than 99% of the shares to the community itself!
If you build and lead your own small teams, chances are you'll be selected as an ALP! Also, this type of viral activity will cause a further increase in the price of the ALP token, which will ultimately return the profit to the community itself!
I was the creator of the project, but in the future, the development team has no other duties except managing Twitter, which, of course, reposts the activities of the holders.